Elevate your cat's well-being with VITALITY, a complete and balanced food meticulously crafted for adult cats. Enriched with apple fibers, a natural source of antioxidants, and fortified with vitamin E and selenium, VITALITY promotes overall feline vitality. Achieve a cat with a Healthy Skin & Silky Coat through the incorporation of biotin, zinc, and an optimal blend of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. Let's explore the key features:
Vibrant Vitality: Apple fibers, vitamin E, and selenium support your cat's overall vitality.
Skin & Coat Health: Biotin, zinc, and essential fatty acids for a silky coat.
Quality Ingredients: Dehydrated animal proteins, peas, rice, and more for balanced nutrition.
Nutrient-Rich Formula: Lucerne protein, broad bean fibers, and fish autolysates enhance nutrition.
Digestive Wellness: Contains beet pulp and probiotics (Enterococcus faecium) for a healthy digestive system.
Yucca for Odour Control: Yucca helps reduce litter box odours.
Choose VITALITY for a comprehensive and nutrient-packed diet, ensuring your cat thrives with a glossy coat, vibrant vitality, and overall well-being.