Safe4 Solutions are creators, manufacturers and distributors of world class disinfectant products.
Caring for you, those in your care and the environment.
Safe4 disinfectant has been specifically formulated to replace harsh and hazardous cleaning products, commonly used in the professional and domestic environment.
Our range has been extensively tested by independent laboratories and meets all regulatory and accreditation standards. Safe4 concentrate disinfectant is DEFRA approved and has been successfully proven to remove over 20 bacteria and viruses such as;
- Kennel Cough
- Tuberculosis (TB)
Safe4 Disinfectant Cleaner concentrate is the only product in the veterinary sector with DEFRA approval against three notified orders in all four fragrances.
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قطتي تحبها
تستمتع حيواناتي الأليفة بالمكافآت
أحبتها حيواناتي الأليفة