It took a lot of hard work to make PetFusion the company that it is today. The tireless owners worked nights and weekends for years to make their dreams come true, using a whole lot of patience, creativity and good old fashioned elbow grease. Founded in 2010, their mission was to provide three important things that were missing from the lives of pet owners. The first thing was designs that blend seamlessly into the home, while still being totally functional. The second was to use only the best production materials and construction for superior quality. And the third was to do all of that while still maintaining affordable prices. PetFusion achieved just that, and they are proud of what they stand for today. Their designs have won awards, and they have built a global presences—and not just for what they sell, but for their contribution to animal welfare, because their passion always goes back the animals.
ما هو بريدك الإلكتروني؟
تمت إضافة المنتج إلى قائمة أمنياتك
يمكنك عرض قائمة الرغبات الخاصة بك عن طريق إنشاء حساب أو تسجيل الدخول إلى حساب موجود.
قطتي تحبها كثيراً
قطتي تحبها
تستمتع حيواناتي الأليفة بالمكافآت
أحبتها حيواناتي الأليفة