Crafted with meticulous precision, our recipe is brimming with all-natural constituents, tailored to perfection for the wholesome nutrition of your growing puppy. Designed with diminutive kibbles for petite mouths, this puppy food is wholly balanced to support the developmental needs of your new friend. This versatile food can be served independently or paired with moist puppy food for a mouth-watering mix. Our revamped recipe now boasts enhanced flavour and nutritional value, fortified with freshly prepared meaty ingredients, vegetables, botanicals, vitamins, and minerals to offer a delectable and healthy bite each time.
Our scrupulously curated recipe is overflowing with nature's bounty, offering optimal nutrition for thriving puppies. The smaller kibbles, designed with the petite mouths of puppies in mind, ensure each morsel is manageable yet flavourful. Our latest version of the recipe is tastier and more nutritious than ever before, generously loaded with fresh meat ingredients, vegetables, botanicals, and a blend of vitamins & minerals.
Top Features:
Superior Protein Source: Our recipe leads with freshly prepared meat ingredients, offering a natural protein source for your puppy's growth, repair, and energy needs.
Infused with Homemade Chicken Gravy: We enhance our kibble's palatability by incorporating homemade chicken gravy, both internally and externally, offering your puppy a sumptuously flavourful meal.
Omega 3 & 6 from Salmon Oil: We enrich our recipe with salmon oil, a potent source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, to bolster your puppy's immune system and maintain a glossy coat.
Prebiotic FOS for Healthy Digestion: Our recipe includes prebiotic FOS to promote healthy digestion and gut health.
Seaweed for Oral Hygiene: The addition of seaweed helps support oral hygiene and provides a natural source of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
Vitamin E for Immune Support: We've included Vitamin E to bolster your puppy's immune system.
Environmentally Conscious: We proudly stand as the UK's first carbon-negative pet food company, signifying our commitment to sustainability.
Experience our lovingly formulated recipe that is equal parts delicious and nutritious, all while supporting our shared planet.