Introducing the Simple Solution Puppy Chew Stopper - 500ml, the ultimate remedy to deter your pets from unwelcome nibbling and chewing. This ingenious product houses a bitter-tasting spray formula that, when applied to any item, such as furniture, wood, or footwear, discourages your pet from causing potential damage due to the unpleasant taste.
Key Features:
Safe and Effective Chewing Deterrent: Simple Solution Chew Stopper offers a safe and effective means to prevent your pets from unwanted biting and chewing.
Universal Application: The distinctively unpleasant tasting formula can be applied to any surface that requires protection from your pet's chewing habits.
Behavioural Learning: With time, pets associate areas sprayed with Chew Stopper as distasteful, thereby learning not to chew or damage items marked with the spray.
Additional Benefits: The deterrent extends beyond furniture protection, also discouraging pets from chewing and licking their skin, hot spots, bandages, and stitches.
Easy-to-Use Spray: The handy trigger action spray design ensures a simple and swift application process.
Protect your valuable possessions while teaching your pets healthy habits with the Simple Solution Chew Stopper. It's the safe and effective deterrent your home needs.